Friday, July 5, 2013

'Americas Managed Lanes' is Next Toll Project

CRRMA to Host Open House this Month

Transportation officials plan to add additional, tolled lanes to Loop 375 between the Zaragoza Port of Entry and Pellicano Drive in the coming years. Now, the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority (CRRMA) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) will host an open house on July 18th to answer the public’s questions concerning the project.
One additional lane in each direction will be added to Loop 375 in the median, and will most likely be a toll lane with the existing main lanes remaining free. This would require the filling-in of median gaps in current overpass structures, such as those at Socorro Road, Alameda Avenue, and North Loop. The toll lane would continue the lanes currently under construction along the Border Highway between US-54 and Zaragoza Road.

The CRRMA would also like to add frontage road bridges over the Union Pacific railroad tracks where the gateways now end. Currently, traffic travelling between Alameda Avenue and North Loop Drive must enter the freeway and exit in quick succession. 

The original Request for Qualifications posted last year at the CRRMA website pegs the project at $37.6 million. The CRRMA/TXDOT open house will be held Thursday, July 18, 2013, at Del Valle High School, 950 Bordeaux Drive, in the Lower Valley from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

The Public Meeting Notice may be viewed at the CRRMA website,