Thursday, June 13, 2013

Schuster Roundabout to Open August 25th

The roundabout that is part of the Schuster Avenue realignment and overpass at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) is scheduled to open August 25, 2013. That’s according to the most recent UTEP Headlines Newscast (

The new roundabout will control traffic travelling along Schuster Avenue and eventually connect to the future overpass at Interstate 10. Schuster will travel westward over the freeway and connect with Paisano Drive. It will eventually have an interchange with the Border Highway West extension when it is constructed in the coming years.
This diagram shows a concept of the decorative plan for the pedestrian walkway under the roundabout. (TXDOT)

Pedestrians will have an underpass walkway available which will connect UTEP’s southern parking lots to the main campus. The walkway will travel directly underneath the roundabout. Decorative elements will mirror the school’s Bhutanese architectural style.

TXDOT officials hope to have the entire Spur 1966 project completed by fall of 2014.